A light cloth which dries.
It's a cloth with small lame on the surface.
It's rather shallow little.
Tight wear sense.
It fits in with a person of size 80 centimeters-about 95 centimeters of hip.
At the front, with a lining.
Cloth with the not to be too thick but to be steady camouflage pattern.
It doesn't extend too much and there is tightening feeling.
This is very shallow.
It suits a person who likes tight feeling.
Cloth with the not to be too thick but to be steady camouflage pattern.
It doesn't extend too much and there is tightening feeling.
This is very shallow.
It suits a person who likes tight feeling.
Cloth with the not to be too thick but to be steady camouflage pattern.
It doesn't extend too much and there is tightening feeling.
This is very shallow.
It suits a person who likes tight feeling.
It's the same swimsuit material with KH500.
Very shallow.
The feel with the refreshing swimsuit material.
The durability is also much more excellent than cotton.
It's the same swimsuit material with KH500.
Very shallow.
The feel with the refreshing swimsuit material.
The durability is also much more excellent than cotton.